Friday, February 5, 2010

Black Friday ...... If you're Obama

Last year Obama did not attend the National Prayer Breakfast. Perhaps the date clashed with some Muslim festival or an organized mugging by the Service Employees Union.

Or maybe, just like W who had a problem with “nuclear”, Obama knew he had a mental block with the word “corpsman”. But this year that word came up again and Obama mangled it, twice!

No wonder he let his petty frustrations show as he wondered why he was in his job in the first place. Well, we’ve already discussed that he has a very short attention span and that his typical tenure in any job is about 2 years. For the first time in his life he faces criticism and he does not like it. Now very few people do especially politicians but they take it as part of the job but not Obama. He takes every barb personally whether they’re deserved or not. Tough! Obama it’s only going to get worse.

Let’s do a quick review if I may. Obama was going to:

Kill off Fox News. Didn’t happen.
Win the Olympics for Chicago. Didn’t happen.
Close Gitmo. Didn’t happen.
Get Healthcare passed. Didn’t happen.
End wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Didn’t happen.
Cap unemployment at 8%. Didn’t happen and we’re now at 10.

What did happen was that Obama and his team repeatedly threw proposed and actual cabinet members under the bus and I won’t bore you with that list because we’ve talked about it before.

And how can we forget the influence of Obama, first on Virginia and then on New Jersey and most famously and latterly on “Teddy’s Seat”.

Then there was his determination to move the terrorist trials to NYC. Good luck Obama. Here’s an idea; let’s hold those trials in DC because, after all, 911 was an attack on the whole country and not just on New York. Or better yet, put the trial on Capitol Hill or in the White House because we know the security there is first class.

So with all those successes under his belt no wonder Obama needed a party and so he’s planned one for the Super Bowl on Sunday and he invited all 4 senators from Indiana and Louisiana. Every one declined.

These people are running away from Obama as fast as they can run. And the media is in on the stampede as well and the latest two that I know about are Christopher Buckley and Bob Herbert. The former is the son of William F. who must have been turning in his grave until the son just wrote an article called “The Audacity of Oops”. And the other is a writer for the New York Times who recently penned a column entitled, “ Who is Barack Obama?”

Too bad that he and his employer didn’t ask that question and others like it a couple of years ago.

To me, the bottom line is exactly that of Bob Herbert’s. Who is Obama? A radio host this week offered 3 choices. He’s a Marxist. He’s an Ideologue. He’s an Idiot. I would offer one more. He’s a Liar.

Or, perhaps, as the Mayor of Las Vegas put it, “He’s a Slow Learner”.

And, so it seems are Democratic politicians as a herd. Rumor has it that, having failed with healthcare, Obama may spur them to tackle his next priority which is "Immigration Reform".

Oh Boy, I do hope they do because that would be the coup de grace in the midterms in 2010. If the Hill thought that healthcare raised a firestorm, they’ve seen nothing yet.

Oh G-d, Please, Please, Pretty Please ……… Don’t pull the stupidity gene just yet.

And two final indignities if I may.

The “Obama Store” at the Union Station in Washington DC has closed. And the “Obama Girl” is looking for a new beau.

Happy Friday!!

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