Saturday, February 6, 2010

"We The People" .............

Article II of the United States Constitution says it all …………

“No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; …

Up to now, I have resisted this topic for many reasons.

About 40 years ago, I yanked my baby daughter's wrist as she tried yet again to pull a plug from an outlet and poke a little finger somewhere in between. Of course, my daughter yelled and so did her mother. But I remember picking her up and sitting on the couch with her as the yells started to subside into sobs. And, just before she nodded off, I said, "Sweetie pick your battles, because this one you were never going to win”.

Some will scream about decades-old child abuse and others will wonder where the heck we’re going with this post.

Now I agree that the evidence grows and grows, judging by the number of lawsuits both filed and pending, that there may be real reasons to question this man’s eligibility. After all, one has to produce some evidence of one’s natal origin for all kinds of reasons. Getting a passport springs to mind.

The point is, if we assume for the sake of the “Birthers,” that Obama does not qualify under Article II, what do we do then?

I suspect that, the perks of the White House apart such as Air Force One and the imperatives of Saul Alinsky’s doctrines, he’d love to leave the job. Perhaps he wouldn't go back to breaking heads in the hood but I'm sure he'd find work that was meaningful to him. How about Al Jazeera for a gig? Of course, Michelle would kill him if he resigned, but let’s assume he’s gone by whatever mechanism, we’d wind up with Joe Biden.

Now, we all know that, in spite of the hugs much evident at photo ops, Obama and Biden don’t like each other very much and I doubt that Biden would do much of anything if he wound up in the Oval Office. And there is good reason to believe that mainly because he doesn't know anything and he's never had an original thought in his life. But, and there's usually a "but" .............

And the but is, for conservatives like me, that would be very bad news indeed.

So, Birthers, please back off. Not because you may not be right but because you may win that battle but lose the bigger war.

The longer Obama stays there while the Constitution runs it’s course, the better become our chances of destroying the liberal left in this country and consigning it to the obscurity of political Purgatory for the rest of my lifetime. And then it's up to those who follow.

G-d Bless America!

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