Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Even in Minnesota .........

I’m trying something new which is to incorporate some graphics and/or pictures into this Blog and so, I thought I’d start with this.

This picture has recently appeared by the side of an Interstate in Minnesota. You can tell it’s from there by the frigid landscape and the leafless trees. Oops and it’s a big Oops, that could apply to the vast majority of this Nation this winter. There are 3 major benefits. For a start it ticks off the liberals where ever they are. And it shows that, even in Minnesota which is not the most conservative of states, there are still those who think. And it gives a tweak to Al Gore. Where is he in the middle of the coldest season for years?

It is moments like this which cause the White House to lash out. Does their petulance show no bounds? Well, probably not when one considers the spoiled little boy in the Oval Office. Consider this …….

White House deputy national security adviser John Brennan denounced conservatives for criticizing his boss’s boss because he claimed that such criticism aided Al Qaeda and others.

Funny how that never occurred to him and his fellow Democrats when George W. Bush was in the White House and this is what he said.
“Politically motivated criticism and unfounded fear-mongering only serve the goals of al-Qaeda. Terrorists are not 100-feet tall. Nor do they deserve the abject fear they seek to instill. They will, however, be dismantled and destroyed, by our military, our intelligence services and our law enforcement community. And the notion that America’s counterterrorism professionals and America’s system of justice are unable to handle these murderous miscreants is absurd.“

The Democrats don’t have a very long memory, nor do they have much of an attention span. Let’s take
a trip down Nancy Pelosi’s memory lane shall we?

“Bush is an incompetent leader. In fact, he’s not a leader,” Pelosi said. “He’s a person who has no judgment, no experience and no knowledge of the subjects that he has to decide upon.” “He has on his shoulders the deaths of many more troops, because he would not heed the advice of his own State Department of what to expect after May 1 when he … declared that major combat is over,” Pelosi charged. “The shallowness that he has brought to the office has not changed since he got there.”“Not to get personal about it, but the president’s capacity to lead has never been there. In order to lead, you have to have judgment. In order to have judgment, you have to have knowledge and experience. He has none,” Pelosi said.“This president has demonstrated very clearly that he does not have the capacity to present a plan to transition,” she said. “he only way we can get more troops from other countries is to have a president who respects the other countries. It’s hopeless for George Bush. He has made it hopeless.”

Brennan and others in his party are now worried that the Obama Administration’s failures most especially in the area of Foreign Policy might just result in a loss of power and a lot of Democrats sitting on their own front porches come December 2010. They have good reason to fear just that but still seem to be under the impression that the only reason anyone is criticizing Obama is because of some perceived political gain:

Then he went on to say, “Politics should never get in the way of national security. But too many in Washington are now misrepresenting the facts to score political points, instead of coming together to keep us safe.”

Apparently Brennan didn’t tie off with Pelosi before making such a claim:

“The risk in many of us speaking out in the way that I’m speaking out to you right now is that people will say, ‘Oh, it’s just political,’ ” Pelosi said.

But to return to the main theme of criticizing presidents and their policy, let’s not forget one of Hilary’s screeches on the campaign trail, “We have a right to debate and disagree with any administration, and to suggest otherwise is unpatriotic.”

But to answer the question asked at the start of this post.

Yes, Mr. President, I do miss you and so do millions of others across our country.

Perhaps, not quite yet from sea to shining sea but certainly from our northern border to Nogales.

G-d Bless America!

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