Monday, February 1, 2010

The Fox and the Chicken House ..............

One of the biggest mistakes that this White House has made in the past 13 months was to attack Fox News. Not that I care one way or the other and I certainly don’t have any skin in the game but the furor caused people to take a look at the cable news channels.

And that included Fox, of course, but while they were in that part of the media spectrum, some viewers took a look at CNN and MSNBC as well. Well that backfired didn’t it? Fox is, and has been for the last 2 months by far the leader in terms of market share.

Honestly, and I do try to be honest, I think there are at least 2 reasons for that. For a start, when the viewers punched that station up on their remote, they found news. Admittedly it had a conservative slant but the alternatives were even worse. And their alternatives are what? Heck, even Headline News beat out CNN even with their resident Al-Jazeera apologist.

So now we come to MSNBC. Way back we had little Chrissy Matthew’s tingly leg. Then he outdid himself last week with the “temporary Black amnesia” bit.

But MSNBC hasn’t nearly run out of kooks yet while they still have Keith Olbermann who has to be one of the most angry people in the world except for Barney Frank and, perhaps, Obama’s wife.

Anyway, Olbermann refused to be outdone and so he has just pronounced the “Anointed One”, as one of the thousand top brains in this country.

Now I really felt better. But only for the briefest of moments. Because that was when I started looking at Obama’s budget.

The total bill is, according to Obama, $3.8 Trillion and I won’t bore you again by some meaningless exercise about what a trillion really looks like. Instead though I had a flash-back to the 2008 campaign trail when Obama, just before he fed the masses with an impossibly small number of loaves and fishes, declared that President Bush’s latest deficit was “unsustainable”.

That deficit was under $500 billion while today’s projection is $1.6 Trillion. More than 3 times the “unsustainable”.

But he did announce cuts, all of which will cost jobs. Probably to the tune of more than 500,000. Does Wal-Mart need that many more “greeters”?

For a start, manned space flight is off or we’ll just have to thumb a ride from the Russians or somebody. NASA, it seems, is destined to monitor “Global Warming” which we know is bad science, failed science, disproved science but the myth fits Obama’s agenda which is all about control.

I spent the bulk of my working life in the computer industry and we’ve all seen the rooms full of processors and disk drives and printers and consoles which constituted the mainframe era.

But now you have your PC or Mac at home. You have your DVR. You have your iPhone. Put just your home PC and your DVR and your cell phone together and also add the processors in your car and you have way more computer cycles than all that room-full of equipment. And the driving force was NASA and the need to build smaller, faster, smarter

Now they won’t get it, but when the mouth-breathing liberals tell you that the only positive things to come out of the NASA programs were Tang and Velcro and pens that write upside-down, tell em,

Send me a text message!.

And then ask 'em how it was going to to get from them to you.

Duh! And the eyes glaze over!

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