Saturday, February 20, 2010

Guns and Roses ..........

Wow! What a response. And it came from two subjects contained in the last post. So let’s get the easy one out of the way first.

The little 3-year old girl who spent a night on an Arizona mountainside is fine. As I reported, she was very cold when the law-enforcement helicopter crew found her. Not surprising really when you consider the poor little mite was not wearing shoes or socks when she wandered off with the family dog, “Blue”.

Dog lovers will applaud the pet and their applause is so well-deserved. But I also want to applaud the human species. Aren’t we an amazing beast? There was a time when the Chinese left unwanted baby girls out on a cold hillside to die. I wonder how long that took?

Now the other subject is going to take a little longer and this one was triggered, no pun intended, by my recital about Dr. Amy Bishop.

“Don’t you see”, they screamed, “What happens when you allow guns to get into the hands of people”?

Actually I don’t. What I see is what happens when an irresponsible, liberal gets his or her hand on a gun.

Please forgive the tautology! Because, of course, I realize that liberals are irresponsible or they wouldn’t be liberals in the first place. I offer as my exhibits Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Barney Frank. And, I’m sure you can add your own ……….

Anyway, the British tirade continued and I read it and then I slept on it. And I started to think, probably at about 2 am. Somewhere between a little trip to the bathroom and finding a nice cool spot on the other side of my pillow, I came up with this.

For decades the British sought to ban personal guns. That effort culminated in the “Firearms Amendment Act of 1997 which made it virtually impossible for a British resident, legal or illegal, to possess a legal firearm.

According to the latest British government numbers for 2009, gun crime more than doubled in the previous decade.

And Australia’s experience is little different.

Now consider the case of Kennesaw, Georgia, where in 1982, the town passed an ordinance which required “every head of household to maintain a firearm and ammunition”.

That, in ensuing years, led to a 50% decline in crime.

What else has to be said?

Now should you go and out a get a gun?

Not unless, you feel the need and feel prepared to accept the responsibility and go through the training.

Now both owning and so-called “concealed carry” has enormous responsibilities which is why the latter is not granted lightly.

I live in an urban area with a superb police department but I know that their average response time to a 911 call is 12 minutes. I also, because I asked, know that in England it’s more than 15.

Do you feel lucky today?

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