Saturday, February 13, 2010

Myth or Mythtake?

For a long time, conservatives wrestled with two issues. On the other hand, liberals rejoiced in both of them.

The first was the indisputable fact that Obama was and is Black, well partly anyway, and conservatives were reluctant to challenge the man because they knew that any criticism would immediately be labeled as racist. And that has indeed proved to be the case.

At the same time, liberals bathed in the man’s skin color. At long last, they could assuage centuries of inherited guilt and wash away the stain. Of course, liberals did what they always do with facts. First of all, they deny them and then they ignore them. How else could you rationalize that the politicians who fought the civil rights movement were largely Democrats? How else could you explain away the fact that the President who led the fight, both figuratively and literally, was a Republican in the person of Abraham Lincoln.

Surely one of the most reviled people in American politics in the context of civil rights was Governor George Wallace of the great state of Alabama. He was a Democrat.

Yet, the myth persists that the Democrats are the liberators and that the Republicans are the oppressors. Go figure?

Now before we tackle the second myth, let’s not forget Harry Reid with his now-denied assertion that Obama doesn’t have or use a “Negro Dialect unless he needs it”. Or, Clinton’s assertion that, “a few years ago this guy would be bringing us coffee”.

And now at last, we come to the second myth which is that conservatives are dumb and liberals are smart. Well, let’s see shall we, especially as Obama fanatics and the cheer leaders in the liberal media have been telling us for more than 2 years that we now have the smartest President ever. Really?

We know that Obama is teleprompter-dependent and I’m wondering just when that deficiency will be recognized by the American Disabilities Act as a legitimate disability. But, in anticipation of that, and because I’m a compassionate conservative we’ll skate quickly by some of the more obvious flubs such as:

Obama’s assertion that the US has 57 states. Clearly he confused that number with the number of Heinz varieties.

Obama’s assertion that “Corpse Man” is really pronounced “Core Man”. Who knows what reading method they taught in Hawaii or wherever?

And, every asthma sufferer knows the difference between “Inhalers” and Breathalyzers but not Obama it seems.

Now if the “smartest man ever to occupy the White House” can screw these up while he’s reading, when he is weaned away from his intellectual prop then anything can happen.

On Bloomberg last week, Obama began to boast about his next “Job Stimulus Package” and his determination that his plan to grant a few tax credits for new hires will do wonders for the employment numbers. Then he also insisted that he was encouraging banks to grant loans in order that they could increase their workforce.

There speaks the true academic who is telling business how to run their business. But he’s never done it. He’s never had to make payroll.

So Mr. Obama let me explain it to you because you clearly don’t get it even though your adherents still hail you as “Messiah”.

Any business, small, medium, large or a guy in his garage, does not seek tax credits or help from a bank in order to hire people. He or she goes that route because they see more business on the horizon. And now they don’t.

In the meantime, Obama declared that he “was now ‘agnostic about middle-class tax hikes”. Now I can’t claim that he won his election on his promise of “not one dime of increased taxes for those families earning less than a quarter of a million dollars per year, but I’m sure it helped.

So, yet another campaign promise gets thrown under the bus doesn’t it?

And, finally, if this White House is to retain any semblance of credibility, they’re going to have to rein in Joe Biden.

Because, according to Uncle Joe, our presence will not leave Iraq until we achieve success. When pressed on what defines “Success”, Joe declared that. “Success is what we say it is”.

Now that’s a winning strategy if ever I heard one!!

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