Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Now You See It And Now You Don't .............

Maybe it’s because I’m not a fan of big American cities. Frankly, they intimidate me. Especially really big ones like Chicago or New York City and it’s not just the people. Most of them do not even acknowledge the presence of another human being among the throng of their own species.

So, in a way, I know where Obama is coming from. He comes from Chicago and, therefore, he understands street thugs because he is one.

But now, it seems, he’s decided to adopt some New York City street tactics as well. Perhaps it’s his version of crossing the aisle?

Do you remember back to the campaign trail? There, he was the master of oratory. Well he was until the teleprompter broke.

In the last 13 months, it seems he took some lessons from some brother in New York City and has learned the art of “Three Card Monte”.

For those from elsewhere across the oceans or for those from Lake Havasu, this lose-lose proposition is designed to separate you and I from our money. Put briefly, one is tempted to place a bet on a wager which cannot be won.

In Obama’s case, of course, it would come down to words. What else does a politician or a lawyer have?

During the State of the Union message a few weeks ago, Obama uttered the N word. No not that N word because that’s only used in the hood. No this N word was “Nuclear”. There have been those more cynical than I who have attested that his main reason was to prove that he could pronounce it and his predecessor could not.

Anyway, out came that N word and the greenies of the Left came unglued which only got worse when, this week, he decided to announce a federally guaranteed loan of $ 8.3 Billion to the “Southern Company”, This is the parent company of Duke Power and others who have wanted to build 2 reactors for years. In fact, for about 30 years because it’s been that long and more since the environmental whackos decided to force this glorious nation back by about 2 generations.

Luddites, thy name is Democratic!

So, was this weeks declaration good news? Not hardly.

See, one of Obama’s first moves was to abandon and close Yucca Mountain.

This has to be the middle of just about the most desolate area in Nevada but it had a couple of things going for it. It is, as I said both remote and desolate and its geology is stable which makes it as ideal as possible to store fuel rods as they bleed away their toxicity.

But Obama closed it and so now what?

Yet another Obama ruse.
A new Sleight of Hand.

You put your money down and Obama will take it …………

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